1 경고

심각한 강도
Orange Rain Warning issued for Switzerland - St.Gallen-Rorschach


- Possible impacts: Rising water level of streams and normally dry ditches. Localised flooding, e.g. in underpasses, underground garages and cellars - Recommendations for action: Stay away from watercourses, lake shore areas and steep slopes. Pay attention to possible flood warnings from the FOEN. Keep out of cellars and basements when there is a danger of flooding (see procedures for flooding). Avoid watercourses in the mountains at all cost, as these are prone to mudslides. A mudslide can occur very suddenly and without warning, and can be a powerful destructive force - Expected amounts: 70 - 100 mm - Snowfall limit: 1700 - 2300 m - Peak phase of the event: Thu 15 - Fri 02, Fri 10 - Sat 08 - Intensifying conditions: locally higher precipitation amounts due to embedded thunderstorms


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발효일5월 30일 (목) 오전 8:50
해제일6월 1일 (토) 오전 9:00