2 аларма/и

Висока опасност
Orange Rain Warning issued for Croatia - Gospic region


Heavy rain. rainfall > 60 mm


BE PREPARED to protect yourself and your property. Flooding of properties and of the traffic network is possible. Power outages, communication network failures and water supply interruptions are also possible. Difficult driving conditions caused by reduced visibility and wet and slippery roads.

To view the map, please use a browser that supports WebGL.
СигурностВероятно е
Ефективна припт, 31.05, 6:36 ч. пр.об.
Изтича напт, 31.05, 9:59 ч. сл.об.
Висока опасност
Orange Thunderstorm Warning issued for Croatia - Gospic region


Locally severe and heavy thundershowers. Flash and urban floods possible. lightning risk > 60 %


BE PREPARED for heavy thunderstorms that may cause heavy damage, and protect yourself from lightning. Property damage and tree damage are possible. Local flash floods, storm gusts are hail are possible. Interruptions in outdoor activities and in traffic are possible.

To view the map, please use a browser that supports WebGL.
СигурностВероятно е
Ефективна припт, 31.05, 6:36 ч. пр.об.
Изтича напт, 31.05, 9:59 ч. сл.об.