2 cảnh báo

Khắc nghiệt vừa phải
Yellow Thunderstorm Warning issued for Hungary - Northern Great Plain

Mô tả

Attention! Thunderstorm (lightning) is expected, possibly accompanied by stormy gusts and hail.

Hướng dẫn

Be especially careful in highly exposed places (mountains, forests, open areas).

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Khẩn cấpTương lai
Chắc chắnChắc
Có hiệu lực vào0:00 SA, Th 3, 11 thg 3
Hết hạn vào10:59 CH, Th 4, 12 thg 3
Khắc nghiệt vừa phải
Yellow Wind Warning issued for Hungary - Northern Great Plain

Mô tả

The windspeed can temporarily exceed 70 km/h.

Hướng dẫn

Some branches or trees brought down. Localised travel disruption. Localised problems for high-sided vehicles on prone routes. Drive with care, especially on exposed routes. Be aware of possible debris being blown around.

To view the map, please use a browser that supports WebGL.
Khẩn cấpTương lai
Chắc chắnChắc
Có hiệu lực vào0:00 SA, Th 4, 12 thg 3
Hết hạn vào10:59 CH, Th 5, 13 thg 3