2 Uyarı

Biraz Kötü
Yellow Low-temperature Warning issued for Serbia - Southeastern Serbia


Minimum temperature lower than -5°C above 1000 MSL lower than -10°C


The predicted minimum air temperatures are not uncommon but take the necessary measures of protection for outside activities. They are especially dangerous lakes of cold air for longer stay in them. Problems in thermal and electric power supply. Possible risk of freezing water pipes in the backyard and water installations. Unfavourable conditions for chronically sick, people under therapy and medical control or meteoropaths.

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KesinlikYüksek olasılık
Etkili olma tarihi22 Şubat Cmt ÖS 11:00
Bitiş tarihi23 Şubat Paz ÖS 11:00
Biraz Kötü
Yellow Snow-ice Warning issued for Serbia - Southeastern Serbia


Glaze or icing on wet areas


Problems in traffic and transport (slippery road condition). The adverse impact of freezing on transmission lines (lines for the transmission of electricity), electric railways, ski lifts, TV towers and other antenna towers.

To view the map, please use a browser that supports WebGL.
KesinlikYüksek olasılık
Etkili olma tarihi23 Şubat Paz ÖS 11:00
Bitiş tarihi24 Şubat Pzt ÖS 11:00