Метрическая система мер
Градусы Цельсия, километры, км/ч
Имперская система мер
Градусы Фаренгейта, мили, мили в час
24 - часовое время

1 Оповещения

Средняя степень серьезности
Special Weather Statement issued March 4 at 5:10AM EST by NWS Greenville-Spartanburg SC


Although relative humidity will be higher today, temperatures will be warmer and winds will be stronger during the afternoon and early evening hours. Rain is not expected to develop soon enough to have an impact on fuel moistures during the warmest part of the day today. So, in coordination with forestry officials a Fire Danger Statement remains in effect for North Carolina, South Carolina, and northeast Georgia. Across Upstate South Carolina, an outdoor burning ban from the South Carolina Forestry Commission remains in effect. A State Forester`s Burning Ban prohibits all outdoor burning, including yard debris burning, prescribed burning, and campfires in all unincorporated areas of the state. The burning ban will stay in effect until further notice.


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Действует навт, 4 мар., 10:10 AM
Срок истекаетср, 5 мар., 1:00 AM