Sandstorm: What Is It & The Definition


Casper Henson

Weather Expert·2y ·United States
0:49 PM | 11 de mai. de 2022United States

Although you may have not seen one if you don’t live close to an arid or semi-arid area, sandstorms are common for people living close to deserts.

This phenomenon can be dangerous if you don’t notice it or know how to react when it comes. Therefore, it’s ideal for everyone to know what sandstorms are, what causes them, and what to do when you are close to one. You can learn all those things by reading this article!

Make sure to send it to your friends and loved ones. Even if sandstorms are less likely to appear near you, reading this can help you and your friends know more about our environment and other weather phenomena.

Sandstorms, in a nutshell, are the wild and strong movement of dirt, sand, and other debris from a dry surface to another area. They are not as strong as a tornado or typhoon but getting close to one is dangerous since the dirt and debris could hit you.

What Causes Sandstorms?

Naturally, the dirt and dust in sandstorms don’t start moving like that by themselves. This phenomenon occurs when a gust front or other strong wind currents pass over a dry surface with a lot of dirt on it. When that happens, the dust particles start a saltation and suspension process.

Saltation consists of dust particles going from one place to another when a fluid such as water or wind passes over them. However, not all fluids cause saltation since this process only occurs when that wind or water current removes the dry surface or “bed” that restrains those particles.

Where Does the Sandstorm Occur?

As we mentioned before, sandstorms don’t appear anywhere, and some circumstances must be met for one to happen.

Sandstorms are most likely to happen in deserts since they are arid areas and are full of sand and dust. However, this phenomenon could happen in less sandy areas.

Types of Sandstorm Seasons

Experts have been studying sandstorms for a while, and they got to a classification that can make some sandstorms different from others. All sandstorms are, in essence, similar, so what changes is how that process happens, why it happens, and when you can see them.


Frontal sandstorms are one of the most common ones, and they are subclassified in sandstorms with pre-frontal dust and post-frontal dust.


Although its name is self-explanatory, thunderstorm sandstorms are the ones that happen after or due to a thunderstorm. Some people call them convective thunderstorms since they happen in areas of strong convective activity.

Tropical Disturbance

Sandstorms coming after tropical disturbances are uncommon regardless of the month you are in. However, they are the most intense than all the other sandstorm subtypes and are popular for being more dangerous than them too.

Upper Level/Cut-Off Low

When upper-level/cut-off low sandstorms occur, there’s usually a split flow of high amplitude in the higher latitudes of the area.

How Big Can the Sandstorms Be?


The smallest sandstorm you can expect to happen would be 10ft, and the highest one, 50ft.

Hazards of a Sandstorm

As we mentioned before, this phenomenon could harm anyone close to it when it happens, and most people recommend others to stay in their houses if they expect a sandstorm to happen in the short term. There are many hazards in a sandstorm, and they alone are enough reason to stay far from them.

Firstly, sandstorms are the worst thing that could happen to someone who suffers from allergies or asthma. The same happens with people suffering from breathing-related issues.

Impact of Sandstorm On

Sandstorms affect everything close to them. Read the impact that sandstorms have on the world:


It worsens breathing diseases and causes asthma attacks.

Environment & Society

Sandstorms dry leaves and make it difficult for plants to grow.

Weather & Climate

Dust particles in the atmosphere worsen air pollution and change the precipitation in the area.

Sandstorms in the Extraterrestrial Regions

Sandstorms not only happen on Earth since it’s also possible for them to happen on Mars. However, they don’t happen that often and they are not that dangerous compared to the ones that happen on Earth. They can go further than the strongest sandstorms here, though.

Tips to Survive Sandstorms

While sandstorms are dangerous and could harm you in many ways, you can survive them if you take the right steps. These are some tips to surge sandstorms:

  • Stay home or at least indoors
  • See what weather forecasts have to say
  • Invest in air purifiers beforehand
  • Wear a face mask
  • Drink as much water as you can
  • Clean your house’s air-conditioner vents

List of Sandstorms in the World

Sandstorm Seasons

  • China Drought and Dust Storms North China Sandstorms
  • Black Sunday
  • Australian Dust Storms
  • Interstate 5 Dust Storm
  • Indian Dust Storms
  • Great Bakersfield Dust Storm
  • Tehran Dust Storm
  • Melbourne Dust Storm

Facts About Sandstorm

  • Arabian people use the word Haboob to talk about strong and intense sandstorms
  • Sandstorms are the third most common weather phenomenon in the U.S
  • This phenomenon is something common in the Sahara Desert
  • Most sandstorms in the U.S have happened in Arizona


Convective sandstorm

As you could see, there are many things to know about sandstorms, and understanding why they happen could help you stay safe from them. Try to keep yourself and your peers safe from

sandstorms by sending them this article! That way, they also know what to do when the time comes.

FAQs about Sandstorm

These are some of the most frequently asked questions about sandstorms:

What Happens When a Sandstorm Occurs?

Dust and dirt particles start moving around with strong winds and spread all over the area, which makes more dust particles follow them.

Can a Human Survive a Sandstorm?

You have better chances if you stay indoors, but if you can’t escape it, the best you can do is cover as much of your body as you can. However, not many people survive sandstorms if they face them directly.

Are Sandstorms Real?

Yes, and they often happen in many areas of the U.S.

Do Dust Storms Have Lightning?

Although it’s not common to see it happening, sandstorms can produce many flashes of lightning.

Can You Navigate in a Sandstorm?

It is highly dangerous to do so since you can’t see anything, and the sand can get to you even if you are inside your car.