What is a Bomb Cyclone?


Grace Gagnon

Weather Reporter·2y ·United States
2:30 p.m. | 11. mai 2022United States

Explosive cyclogenesis, more commonly known as a bomb cyclone, is an often-dangerous occurrence that is an important topic to learn about. A bomb cyclone causes major storms and rainstorms and can cause major damage across regions. There have been cases in the past where bomb cyclones have resulted in floods, power outages, and injuries. In this article, we have gathered all the most important information regarding bomb cyclones. If you want to learn more about them and what they are, you are in the right place.

Bomb cyclones can be dangerous, so it’s a good idea to talk to family and friends about them as much as possible. By telling others about them, it helps people prepare for a possibly dangerous scenario in the future. If you’re ready to learn more about bomb cyclones, then keep on reading!

What is a Bomb Cyclone?

To put it simply, a bomb cyclone is the speedy deepening of a low-pressure area within the atmosphere. To be considered a bomb cyclone, the area must deepen by at least 24 millibars within 24 hours. When this pressure drop occurs, winds end up forming around the pressure-drop area, and it quickly becomes stormy.

Bomb cyclones generally occur during colder months because cyclones occur due to cold and warm air meeting. During the summer, there’s generally not much cold air across the atmosphere; this means a bomb cyclone is much less likely to occur.

Where do Bomb Cyclones Occur?

It’s good to know where bomb cyclones occur so that you can prepare for one if they’re common in your region. Bomb cyclones occur in the Northern Hemisphere more than the Southern Hemisphere, although the east coast of Australia experiences them from time to time. Bomb cyclones are most common off the coasts of the US and Japan. Since bomb cyclones often begin in the ocean, they most commonly affect coastal regions at first. They are also common over warm bodies of water, such as the Gulf Stream.

Has There Been a Bomb Cyclone Recently?

Bomb cyclones are quite common, so it’s difficult to say when the last bomb cyclone was. However, one of the most devastating bomb cyclones in the US occurred in March 2019. It affected the entire state of Colorado. An extremely low-pressure system had developed over the state, and it was the lowest pressure ever recorded within Colorado. This cyclone brought blizzard conditions to much of Colorado and caused snowstorms and high force winds.

Over 1300 flights were cancelled due to the cyclone, and thousands of passengers had to stay in the airport overnight due to their flights getting cancelled. Not only that but many major roads and interstates were closed. Life in Colorado had come to a standstill. Due to the blizzard, many car accidents occurred, and many people were stranded in cars across Colorado. Most schools were closed for a few days as well, and it was one of the most dangerous storms to hit Colorado in a long time.

Is a Bomb Cyclone the Same as a Hurricane?

Bomb cyclones and hurricanes are not the same, although sometimes they are confused with one another. There are many differences between the two, so let’s look at them more closely.


Unlike bomb cyclones, hurricanes mostly form during the summer and fall months. This is because they occur over warm ocean water near the equator. Let’s take a look at how hurricanes form:

The warm and humid air travels upwards and begins to cool off. Due to the warm air rising, an area of low pressure is left underneath. What happens next is air from surrounding regions blows into the area of low pressure, and that air then also begins to rise. As more air rises and cools off over the warm ocean, clouds begin to form. The clouds in the air continue to grow and twist around. When the winds reach a speed of 74mph, it’s classed as a hurricane, or ‘tropical cyclone’.

Bomb cyclones, on the other hand, are formed differently. Let’s take a look at how bomb cyclones are formed.

Bomb Cyclones

Bomb cyclones more commonly occur during the cooler months. An area of low-pressure forms by at least 24 millibars within 24 hours. The surrounding air flows into the area of low pressure, and much of the air rises and condenses. Subsequently, clouds are formed. These clouds begin to twist and move rapidly, which causes storms to happen. For this type of cyclone to occur, it requires both cold, winter air and warm, moist air. On the other hand, hurricanes don’t require cool air.

Where hurricanes are known as ‘tropical cyclones’, bomb cyclones are known as ‘non-tropical cyclones’.

The Effects of a Bomb Cyclone

There are many effects of a bomb cyclone, and they can be devastating when they get out of control. One effect of a bomb cyclone is flooding. A bomb cyclone often brings rainfall along with it. If more rain than usual falls, flooding can occur. This then results in travel issues, and many people can get stranded or even worse.

Another effect of a bomb cyclone is a blizzard. Particularly during the winter months, it’s common for a bomb cyclone to bring snowfall to the region. This often results in many inches of snow and can be difficult for civilians to deal with. In a region that doesn’t usually experience snow, they might need to close schools and roads due to snow conditions. Not only that, but it can also be windy. Wind mixed with heavy snow is a dangerous combination, especially when out walking or driving. It’s more common for car accidents to occur during a blizzard, so it’s always best to remain indoors for the duration of the storm.

Power outages are also quite common during bomb cyclones. Due to the strong weather conditions such as wind, snow, and rain, many regions experience power outages. This is not an ideal situation and is most definitely a negative effect of a bomb cyclone.

Another huge effect of a bomb cyclone is travel restrictions. Due to bomb cyclones bringing treacherous weather to the region, many flights can get canceled. This is an inconvenience to many people, but it’s always best to be safe rather than sorry. Not only do flights get canceled, but roads can even get closed. This is to discourage people from driving in dangerous weather and to prevent accidents.

These are some of the most common effects of a bomb cyclone. It’s important to note that the effects depend on where the cyclone occurs and what type of weather it brings with it. Some cyclones are more intense than others, so it’s important to keep that in mind.

Why is it Called a Bomb Cyclone?

The reason people refer to it as a bomb cyclone is because the pressure drops quickly and causes intense winds rapidly, almost like a bomb going off. Although bomb cyclone is a common term, there are many different terms for a bomb cyclone. It can also be called a weather bomb, bombogenesis, meteorological bomb, explosive cyclogenesis, or a non-tropical cyclone. They all refer to the same thing, so it’s up to you to decide which term you want to use.

Final Thoughts

A bomb cyclone is a dangerous phenomenon that everyone should know and learn about. By reading about it and learning about it, you can prepare for one in the future and know the signs of one. After reading this article, you should now understand what a bomb cyclone is and the effects it has on society. Hopefully, you also now understand how it forms. It’s also important to know the difference between a bomb cyclone and a hurricane.

Don’t forget to talk about bomb cyclones with your friends and family. More people need to know and understand them, so talking about it can help educate more people on them!