Indian HillsDunn PlaceC Davis PlaceThompson PlaceMartinezJohns PlaceJarett PlaceBiplane Ranch AirportAugustineDanvik PlaceMoriartyPine SpringsManzano SpringsE Davis PlaceEdgewoodOld ChililiAlley PlaceMartin PlaceLacy PlaceMoriarty AirportMosley PlaceSandia Airpark Estates EastBlackwell PlaceNew Mexico Soaring Ranch AirportCerro del ConejoHorizon Ranch Aerodrome AirportGreggs Trail Historical MarkerLake Estancia Historical MarkerCedro PeakBig Sky AirportGutierrez Canyon Open SpaceSol se Mete PeakTijeras Canyon Historical MarkerDepartment of Defense WithdrawalEstancia Municipal AirportDepartment of Energy WithdrawalEstancia Historical MarkerMonte LargoManzano MountainEl Cuervo Butte