Billy G Ray FieldB-24J Bomber Crash Historical MarkerPony Express Nine Mile Station MarkerPony Express ParkChappellHistoric Lodgepole Creek Valley Historical MarkerDeuel CountyOvidSedgwick Bar State Game PreserveSedgwickLodgepoleLodgepole and the Union Pacific Railroad Historical MarkerJulesburg Municipal AirportJulesburgBig Springs Historical MarkerJulesburg and Fort Sedgwick Historical MarkerSedgwick CountyBartonSunolRed LionBittersweet State Wildlife Management AreaGoldeneye State Wildlife Management AreaMarks ButteMarcottBarn ButteSam Bass and the Big Springs Robbery Historical MarkerPhelps Hotel Historical MarkerEiker ParkWaterman Sod House Historical MarkerBig SpringsMcGreer Camper ParkMcCuligan ButteColtonCrookOshkoshLewellenMegeathTobinSidneyHuntsman