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Weather in Taurage, Lithuania

Mostly cloudy
Feels like 74°
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Air quality:Good

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Today's weather summary

The weather in Taurage on Sunday, September 8th, is going to be clear throughout the day, with few clouds before dawn.

There's seems to be also high probability of cloud overcast before dawn around 12 am.

Weather information for Taurage, on Sunday, September 8th:

The highest temperature of the day is going to be 74°F around 3 pm. The day will have high relative humidity, with average humidity of 62%, ranging from 41% to a maximum value of 77% at about 7 am. The wind will be breezy, and will get up to 10 mph at 3 pm, blowing from the south-east. The cloud coverage will range from 0% around 7 am to as high as 100% around midnight with an average of 14%.

There is no probability for any precipitation throughout the day. The dew point will range from 49°F up to a maximum value of 55°F around noon.

The visibility is expected to be good with average visibility of 10 mi throughout the day. Atmospheric pressure will be high with average pressure of 1023 hPa. Sunrise will be at 6:39 am, and sunset at 7:59 pm, making it a total of 13 hours and 20 minutes of daylight.

Air quality forecast for Taurage, on Sunday, September 8th:

On average, the air quality on this day will be good, meaning that air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. According to our index, ranging from 0 to 500, the air quality is going to be between values of 23 and 37.

Pollen forecast for Taurage, on Sunday, September 8th:

The overall pollen forecast for this day shows no significant pollen. Tree pollen on this day is expected to have no risk. There's no risk of weed pollen, and as for grass pollen, this day is expected to have very low risk.

The weather in Taurage on Monday, September 9th, is going to be clear throughout the day, together with few clouds before dawn.

There's seems to be also high probability of some clouds before dawn around 2 am.

Weather details for Taurage, on Monday, September 9th:

The maximum temperature of the day will be 74°F at about 3 pm. The day will have high relative humidity, with average humidity of 60%, ranging from 42% to a maximum value of 75% at about 7 am. The wind will be breezy, and will get up to 15 mph at 2 pm, blowing from the south-east. The cloud coverage will range from 0% around 7 am to as high as 95% around 11 pm with an average of 11%.

There is no probability for any precipitation throughout the day. The dew point will range from 48°F up to a maximum value of 55°F around noon.

The visibility is expected to be good with average visibility of 10 mi throughout the day. Atmospheric pressure will be normal with average pressure of 1015 hPa. Sunrise will be at 6:40 am, and sunset at 7:56 pm, making it a total of 13 hours and 16 minutes of daylight.

Air quality forecast for Taurage, on Monday, September 9th:

On average, the air quality on this day will be good, meaning that air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. According to our index, ranging from 0 to 500, the air quality is going to be between values of 25 and 38.

Pollen forecast for Taurage, on Monday, September 9th:

The overall pollen forecast for this day shows no significant pollen. Tree pollen on this day is expected to have no risk. There's no risk of weed pollen, and as for grass pollen, this day is expected to have very low risk.


How warm does it get in Taurage?
The average annual highest temperature in Taurage is 26.4°C (79.5°F), and the July 28th is the hottest day on average.
How cold does it get in Taurage?
The average annual lowest temperature in Taurage is -9.5°C (14.9°F), and the January 24th is the coldest day on average.
Which month has the most rain in Taurage?
The wettest months in Taurage are July and August.
What months does it snow in Taurage?
The most common time of year for snow is January, December, February and March.