Barge and Boat HarbourGB-HQ Gilbert and Ellice Crown ColonyTop of KiribatiBanabaIjuwAnibare Blasted Boat HarborMenenAnabarJP Coastal Guns around island WW2GB AU NZ Mandate -1968Aussie Football FieldJapan Naval Airbase WW2GB AU NZ League of Nations Mandate -1942German Protectorate of Nauru -1914Meneng StadiumYarenBaitiBuada LagoonUaboeNauru International AirportCommand Ridge Japan AA-Gun Bunker System WW2Command Ridge Top of NauruLinkbelt OvalPower PlantArijejenJapan Naval Airstation HQNauru Boat HarborCantilever Phosphate Loading System SouthMaianaKuriaBetio VillageBairiki VillageTarawaTeaoraereke VillageBanraeaba VillageAmbo VillageEita VillageAranukaBikenibeu VillageNawerewere Village